I don’t know this woman, but the account “JoJofromJerz” is a river of liberal tears. If you ever want to see a liberal firing squad, this woman embodies it with her incessant and often laughably anti-Trump posts because they’re so insane. Never have I seen someone so obsessed. It’s a bit creepy.
Yet, this tweet was too good to pass up for some regarding dunking on her. She wrote, “Kinda funny that MAGA wants us to “get over” January 6th and “look forward not back,” when they still haven’t gotten over losing the Civil f**king War.”
Like every liberal, JoJo is freaking out over the January 6 pardons Trump issued for 1,500 defendants. She, like the rest of liberal America, has zero grasp of history, which was brutally exposed with that post. Dustin Grange responded in kind to nuke her from orbit:
Republicans won the Civil War.
But thank you for showing everyone why Democrats shouldn’t be running our education system.
Game. Set. Match.