GOP leader blasts Biden admin after critics push DOJ to label parents as ‘domestic terrorists’

Kevin McCarthy accuses Democrats of seeking to ‘silence parents’ House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy took aim at a new Department of Justice policy intended to crack down on alleged “threats of violence” against school officials, saying it was part of an effort by Democrats to muzzle parents. “President Biden’s latest decision is part of a disturbing trend in the…

Nikki Haley Slams ‘Self-Loathing’ Dems, Calls for ‘Moral Courage’ to Defend American Principles

With more than a few allusions to our 40th president’s famous lines, former South Carolina Governor and Ambassador Nikki Haley offered her take on America’s standing in the world at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California on Tuesday night, painting a picture of an America that’s down at home and abroad but certainly not…