Illegal Border Crossings Down 40 Percent in Trump’s First Month

President Trump’s tough stance on illegal immigration seems to be paying off already. In his first month in office, the number of people who illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border decreased by 40 percent, DHS Secretary John Kelly said Wednesday. U.S. Customs and Border Patrol reported that the number of illegal border crossings dropped from 31,578…

Almost 7,000 IRS Documents Relating To Targeting Scandal Found. Bad News: No Clue When They’ll Be Public

In 2013, the IRS was involved in a scandal regarding its Exempt Organizations Unit and conservative nonprofits. Tea Party and other right-leaning groups claimed that they were targeted for audits, or their applications for tax-exempt status were subjected to extraordinary scrutiny, which then-EOU director Lois Lerner later issued an apology. In doing so, the IRS admitted that they targeted…

Conservatives push back on ObamaCare repeal bill, vow to introduce their own

Congressional conservatives vowed Tuesday to introduce their own legislation to repeal and replace ObamaCare, escalating their fight against GOP leaders’ long-awaited health care overhaul bill just hours after it was released.  During a lengthy press conference outside the Capitol, lawmakers from the right flank of the Republican Party railed against the new legislation, which key…

White House Demands Congressional Investigation Into Obama’s Abuse of Power

President Donald Trump is calling for an immediate investigation into Barack Obama’s handling of intelligence gathering tactics leading up to the 2016 election. Press Secretary Sean Spicer wrote on Twitter Sunday morning that until Congress completes an oversight investigation, the White House will not comment any further on the matter. “Reports concerning potentially politically motivated investigations…

Trump, in speech to Congress, calls to ‘restart the engine’ of US economy

President Trump declared Tuesday that a “new chapter of American greatness is now beginning” as he made economic revival the centerpiece of his first address to Congress – issuing a clarion call to “restart the engine of the American economy” through tax cuts, better trade deals, immigration enforcement and a $1 trillion infrastructure program. He…

Whose Side Are You On? Carlson Notes Democrats Groaned When Trump Introduced Victims Of Immigrant Crimes

It was President Trump without the affect. That’s how Fox News’s Tucker Carlson described Trump’s first address to Congress last night. It was populist, but we all know Trump is a right-leaning member of that political persuasion. There wasn’t much that was necessarily radical, except for the Obamacare portion, but we all know both Republicans…

President Trump to Propose Historic Increase in Defense, Infrastructure Spending

Speaking from the White House to America’s governors Monday President Donald Trump gave a preview of his first budget, which will be submitted to Congress next month. He will go into further detail about his plans for the country during his inaugural State of the Union address tomorrow night. On the campaign trail, Trump repeatedly…

Pence: “We Gotta March Forward As if it’s the Most Important Time in History, Because it is”

Vice President Mike Pence took the stage at CPAC as the premier speaker on Thursday night, reaffirming to the conservative crowd and Americans across the country that the fight has just begun.  “Our fight didn’t end on [Election Day],” Pence said. “We won the day, but make no mistake about it. The harder work, the…

DHS Removes Obama’s ‘Handcuffs’ on Border Patrol Agents

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) removed “handcuffs” placed on Border Patrol agents by the Obama Administration, freeing them to expand border enforcement operations. DHS Secretary John F. Kelly lifted most of the restrictions imposed on Border Patrol agents under the previous administration and ordered Border Patrol agents expand their efforts to enforce laws against…

Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes

Speaking from the White House briefing room Tuesday, Press Secretary Sean Spicer announced the development of a new Immigration and Customs Enforcement office focused on helping victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens. The office will also assist family members of victims and is part of President Trump’s recent executive action to bolster enforcement of…

UN Ambassador Nikki Haley Rips Security Council’s ‘Breathtaking’ Anti-Israel Bias

United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued a scathing criticism of the UN Security Council over their “anti-Israel” bias on Thursday after emerging from her first regular monthly meeting at the international body. “I have to admit; it was a bit strange,” Haley said of the council’s agenda. The former South Carolina…

BIG LAUNCH: Trump to hire 10,000 ICE officers as part of strict measures targeting criminal illegal immigrants

The White House is planning a “big immigration launch” Tuesday morning that will focus on the implementation of the recent Department of Homeland Security proposal that called for the hiring of thousands of officers and fast-tracking deportations, a senior administration official said. The DHS plan was signed Friday by the agency’s new secretary, John Kelly.…

Texas Sheriff’s Review of Sanctuary Policy ‘Not Good Enough,’ Says Governor

Texas Governor Greg Abbott responded to Sheriff “Sanctuary Sally” Hernandez’ promise to take a closer look at inmates subject to federal immigration detainers on Wednesday. He tweeted – “Not good enough. Must end it.” The governor of the Lone Star State was clearly unimpressed by reports that the Travis County sheriff will reevaluate her policy.…

‘The Tone Is Hatred’: At Presser, Trump Asks CNN To Do Some Self-Reflection

President Trump’s White House press conference on Thursday was Round Two of his battle with CNN’s Jim Acosta. It was supposed to be a presser for Trump to announce his new labor secretary nominee, which he did, but he spent a much longer time criticizing the media for their continued “fake news” coverage. In particular, he was…

Former CIA Analyst: Yes, Former Obama Officials Were ‘Directly Involved’ In The Effort to Remove Flynn (And I’ll Say Their Names)

The fallout from the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is not over. We have Russia, leaks, and palace intrigue about former Obama administration officials laying the foundation to topple Flynn, who was knows for being staunchly opposed to the Iran nuclear deal. Guy wrote a post about the allegations. Flynn misled the vice…

ESPN Losing 10,000 Subscribers a Day Over Its Political Left Turn

Once an indispensable sports powerhouse, cable TV network ESPN has gone from must-see-TV for millions of sports fans to financial boondoggle for owner Disney with the network losing up to 10,000 subscribers a day, a report says. “A floundering ESPN, with rising costs and declining viewership, continued to sink Disney’s DIS, +0.24% financial results during…

White House National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn Has Resigned

White House National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn has resigned after controversy surrounding his communications with Russia. Here is the full text of Flynn’s resignation letter, bolding is mine: In the course of my duties as the incoming National Security Advisor, I held numerous phone calls with foreign counterparts, ministers, and ambassadors. These calls were…