Clinton: Threat of Uranium One Special Counsel Is ‘Abuse of Power’

Hillary Clinton likened the prospect of a special counsel investigating her involvement in the Uranium One deal to what would happen in an authoritarian regime, calling the threat of such an appointment “an abuse of power.” “If they send a signal that we’re going to be like some dictatorship, like some authoritarian regime, where political…

Clinton calls Uranium One story a ‘distraction,’ warns of dictatorship

Hillary Clinton on Wednesday slammed what she described as the “politicization of the Justice Department” after reports that the Trump administration was considering a special counsel to probe the Uranium One deal and alleged conflicts with the Clinton Foundation. President Donald Trump has criticized the uranium deal and suggested that Clinton, who served as U.S.…

Senate Tax Plan Keeps Much Higher Rate on Small Businesses, Lower Rate for Top Earners

Senate Republicans put out their own tax overhaul proposal Thursday that differs in significant ways from the House tax plan. The Senate plan includes taxing pass-through businesses at a higher rate, delaying the corporate tax cut, and lowering the top rate paid by individuals. The Senate bill would create a new deduction for pass-through business income,…

North Korea warns of ‘abyss of doom’ if ‘lunatic’ Trump remains president

The United States will continue to stare into the “abyss of doom” until “lunatic old” President Trump is removed from office, according to a North Korean missive Wednesday, released just hours after Trump warned the rogue regime not to “try” America. The Hermit Kingdom demanded the U.S. “withdraw the hostile policy toward” Kim Jong Un’s…

GOP tax bill: No changes to 401(k), doubles deductions for middle class, limits state and local tax

House Republicans on Thursday unveiled their long-awaited tax bill which preserves the popular 401K retirement account, lowers rates for many individual households but trims deductions for state and local taxes. A summary of the plan, which was made available to reporters ahead of its public release, would also reduce the cap on the popular deduction…

Explosive Brazile Confession: Trump and Bernie Were Right, DNC Rigged Nomination For Hillary From the Start

Fire up the microwave and pop some popcorn; things are about to get really ugly inside the Democratic Party.  Throughout the primary election cycle last year, Bernie Sanders and his supporters angrily alleged that the DNC — supposedly a neutral arbiter — was actually in the tank for Hillary Clinton. This was denied up and down, with a top…

NYC terror attack suspect, Sayfullo Saipov, entered US through Diversity Visa Program

The alleged ISIS fanatic authorities say was behind Tuesday’s deadly New York City slaughter came to the United States seven years ago from Uzbekistan under the Diversity Visa Program, details of Sayfullo Saipov’s travel to America that could become all the more important as President Trump proposes revisions to his “extreme vetting” program. The Diversity Visa…

Trump Calls on DHS to Get Even More Strict With Extreme Vetting

President Trump called for the Department of Homeland Security to “step up” its “extreme vetting program” after the terror attack in New York City Tuesday. “I have just ordered Homeland Security to step up our already Extreme Vetting Program,” he tweeted. “Being politically correct is fine, but not for this!” Shortly after the terrorist rammed…

Lewandowski: It’s the FBI’s Fault Trump Campaign Was Ignorant of Manafort’s Record

Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski weighed in on the FBI indictments that came down Monday against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, his business associate Rick Gates, and former Trump advisor George Papadopoulos. Manafort and Gates face 12 charges of money laundering and conspiracy against the United States, while Papadopoulos admitted to having lied…

Paul Manafort, Rick Gates indicted by federal grand jury in Russia probe

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his associate Rick Gates have been indicted by a federal grand jury Monday on 12 counts, according to the special counsel’s office. The special counsel’s office told Fox News that the counts include conspiracy against the United States, conspiracy to launder money, unregistered agent of a foreign principal,…

Fusion GPS fallout: DNC, Clinton, FBI take heat after bombshell that Dems funded Trump dossier

The bombshell revelation that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund the controversial anti-Trump dossier last year has lawmakers and the media asking tough questions about how the dubious document was used by the highest levels of U.S. law enforcement – and why Democrats “lied” about its origins. In the midst of…

Kelly Rips Democratic Rep’s ‘Selfish’ Behavior In Attacking Trump’s Call To Army Widow

Former Clinton spokersperson Brian Fallon ripped Kelly, calling him “odious” for his press briefing today: Gen. Kelly lost his son, who was serving his country, but now he’s working for Trump, so denigrate, shame, and smear him. I know it’s nothing new. I know it’s par for the course, but it’s still appalling that progressives…

NY Post: Obama Knew Russia Was Bribing Their Way Through Uranium Deal; He Simply Ignored It

Katie touched upon this yesterday with the bombshell report that the Russians had a—shocker—bribery operation aimed at increasing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s atomic business within the United States, according to the Hill. That entity was Uranium One, which Katie aptly noted gave money to the Clintons during the business negotiations between the Canadian mining company and Rosatom,…

Trump says Comey ‘totally protected’ Clinton, swipes at DOJ as new documents confirm claims

President Trump declared on Twitter Wednesday that James Comey “totally protected Hillary Clinton,” after the FBI confirmed the former bureau boss drafted a statement on the private email case two months before it was over.  In a series of tweets, Trump also swiped at the Justice Department, seeming to suggest they review what he called…