Biden says ‘MAGA Republicans’ threaten democracy as he and Dems crank up anti-Trump rhetoric ahead of midterms

President Biden Thursday aimed to frame the state of U.S. politics as a battle between “equality and democracy” and a GOP allegedly assaulting those principles in a campaign-style speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. The president’s address continues a recent pattern of increasingly aggressive and divisive broadsides against his political opponents. Biden recently said Republicans…

FBI Request to Facebook Pretty Much Shows They Interfered in the 2020 Election

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has accrued a good faith and credit balance with the American people for generations. They’re our preeminent domestic law enforcement and intelligence agency. Decades of marked professionalism regarding investigating and apprehending some of the worst criminals and a near dogmatic adherence to being an apolitical agency. That all ended in…

Biden’s Recession Confirmed in Latest GDP Report

The American economy shrunk at -0.6 percent in the second quarter of 2022 according to Thursday’s revised estimate released by the government’s Bureau of Economic Analysis. As BEA’s release explains, “The GDP estimate released today is based on more complete source data than were available for the “advance” estimate issued last month” and “primarily reflects upward revisions…

FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Ransacking Takes Another Irresponsible Turn

When the FBI raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, the allegations of overreach were resurrected, along with the absurd narrative around the Russian collusion hoax. The Justice Department threw a dragnet on the former president’s home to find something that could tie him to that long-debunked Democratic Party myth. The additional layers of inanity revolved around the…

Jesse Watters Brings the Heat to Lindsey Graham Over Tepid Response to FBI Raid

Fox New host Jesse Watters did not hold back his criticisms against Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Congressional Republican leadership in their tepid response to the FBI carrying out a raid on Mar-a-Lago seemingly over documents that former President Donald Trump had not turned over to the National Archives. The raid on a former president’s…

Woke San Fran Fed Who Makes $420,000 a Year: ‘I See Prices Rising, But I Have Enough’

A woke San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank president wants you to know that Bidenflation does not affect her $420,000 a year salary. During an interview with Reuters, Mary Daly said that she is not worried about the current inflation woes because she “has enough” money. “I don’t feel the pain of inflation anymore… I see…

DeSantis Suspends Woke, Soros-Backed State Attorney

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Thursday he has suspended Soros-backed Hillsborough County State Attorney Andrew Warren, effective immediately, for refusing to enforce state law. “The Governor has the authority to suspend a state officer under Article IV, Section 7 of the Constitution of the State of Florida,” the governor’s office said in a statement. “State Attorneys have…

Shocking Discovery in Rich DC Neighborhood Is What Happens When You Become a Sanctuary City

Illegal aliens are being bused into blue cities by the thousands, and Democratic mayors are unhappy about that. Welcome to the party. Border states and communities have dealt with the lawlessness and drain on their resources for decades. When you become sanctuary cities and safe havens for illegal aliens, you also become dumping grounds for…

Texas border official says Mayorkas is wrong, ‘border is not secure’ as fentanyl, criminals pour across

EL PASO, Texas – EXCLUSIVE: Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Sgt. Marc Couch says his troopers are working diligently to combat criminal activities connected with human smuggling, fentanyl and weapons trafficking across the southern border, which “is not secure,” contrary to the Biden administration’s claims. Couch and his agents work as part of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s…