Walgreens Closes 5 More San Francisco Locations Amid Ongoing Retail Theft

Walgreens announced Tuesday that it is shutting down five additional stores because of the continued retail theft that is plaguing the city. “Due to ongoing organized retail crime, we have made the difficult decision to close five stores across San Francisco,” a Walgreens spokesperson said in a statement to FOX Business. “Each store will transfer prescriptions…

Gov. Abbott Signs Executive Order Banning Vaccine Mandates

Gov. Greg Abbott (R) signed an executive order Monday that prohibits any “entity in Texas” from enforcing COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Abbott’s order states that businesses in the state cannot require a proof of vaccination from those employees or consumers who object to the shots for “any reason of personal conscience.” “The COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective, & our best…

GOP leader blasts Biden admin after critics push DOJ to label parents as ‘domestic terrorists’

Kevin McCarthy accuses Democrats of seeking to ‘silence parents’ House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy took aim at a new Department of Justice policy intended to crack down on alleged “threats of violence” against school officials, saying it was part of an effort by Democrats to muzzle parents. “President Biden’s latest decision is part of a disturbing trend in the…

Nikki Haley Slams ‘Self-Loathing’ Dems, Calls for ‘Moral Courage’ to Defend American Principles

With more than a few allusions to our 40th president’s famous lines, former South Carolina Governor and Ambassador Nikki Haley offered her take on America’s standing in the world at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California on Tuesday night, painting a picture of an America that’s down at home and abroad but certainly not…

Taiwan Prepares for War as Biden Weakness Provides Little Deterrence Against Chinese Aggression

A record number of Chinese warplanes buzzed Taiwan on Monday as the communist regime continues to escalate its aggressive posture toward the self-governed island nation. Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense tweeted that, as part of its tracking of Chinese aircraft incursions of its Air Defense Identification Zone, it logged a one-day high for the number…

DOJ Launches Assault on Parents Opposing CRT, COVID Mandates in Schools

United States Attorney General Merrick Garland is taking action aimed at addressing the growing number of showdowns taking place between concerned parents and local school administrators over the implementation of critical race theory and other radical leftist curricula and policies. In a memo sent from Garland to the FBI director and United States attorneys on…

FBI Admits It Doesn’t Track Leftist Violence

During the misnamed “Summer of Love,” riots, looting, vandalism, and political violence was carried out by radical leftists under the (often literal) Antifa and Black Lives Matter banners. The violent leftists besieged federal property, private businesses, law enforcement, and private citizens with costly, deadly, and devastating outcomes. Joe Biden and other Democrats turned a blind…

Whiplash: Outlets That Poured Gas on Phony Border Patrol Story Forced to Correct Their Fake News

Mainstream media outlets are, with egg on their face, issuing clarifications and corrections to their stories that falsely smeared Border Patrol agents who were defending America’s southern border for actions they didn’t take using equipment they don’t have. The timing makes sense as attention strays again from the U.S.-Mexico border following an influx of some…

Biden Slammed for Promising ‘Consequences’ for Border Patrol Agents in Whip Hoax

On Saturday, former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate and Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard slammed President Biden’s remarks that there would be consequences against the Border Patrol agents falsely accused of whipping illegal immigrants. As Katie reported, last week several leftist media outlets claimed that Border Patrol agents on horseback were using whips to keep Haitian migrants from entering…

Mayorkas Ripped for Claiming His Border Plan Is ‘Working’

After visiting Del Rio Monday and still refusing to classify 12,000 illegal immigrants camping under a bridge as a crisis, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified Tuesday on Capitol Hill about the administration’s strategy going forward.  Under questioning from Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO), Mayorkas defended his approach and claimed it was “working.” “I just want to…

‘Where Is She?’ MSNBC Host Rips Kamala Harris For Being a Miserable Failure on the Border

Joe Biden entrusted her with getting the border under control. She dilly-dallied and didn’t visit the southern border until Donald Trump and Greg Abbott decided to hold an event there to highlight the ongoing crisis. This was 100 days after being tapped by President Brain Worm. Now, we’ve had consistent months where some 200,000 illegal…

Democrat Mayor Ignored by Biden as Border Town Is Overwhelmed by Huge Influx of Illegal Immigrants

DEL RIO, Texas — Mayor Bruno Lozano has been trying to get President Joe Biden’s attention on Twitter as the commander in chief spent the weekend in Rehoboth Beach while Del Rio remained overwhelmed with a giant surge of illegal immigrants. Lozano, a Democrat, has been tagging Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in tweets on…

Cruz Explains Why the Illegal Immigration Crisis in Del Rio, Texas, Exploded in the Last Eight Days

Sen. Ted Cruz is on the ground in Del Rio, Texas, detailing the humanitarian crisis under the Del Rio International Bridge, where there are more than 10,000 illegal immigrants packed together. The Texas Republican called the situation a “direct result” of the Biden administration’s “open borders policy” “This is a crisis that is unfolding. It’s…

Trump Responds: ‘Dumba**’ Milley Should Be Tried For Treason

Former President Donald Trump is responding to reports General Mark Milley reassured China’s People’s Liberal Army General Li Zuocheng he would give the communist government a heads up should an attack be ordered by the then commander-in-chief. “If the story of ‘Dumbass’ General Mark Milley, the same failed leader who engineered the worst withdrawal from…

New Study Shatters Narrative Surrounding COVID Hospitalizations

A new study — still pending peer review — picked up by The Atlantic, of all places, puts the recent fearmongering over the number of hospitalized Americans with the Wuhan coronavirus in perspective. Most notably, the study conducted by a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School, Tufts Medical Center, and the Veterans Affairs Healthcare…

It’s Not Hard to Figure Out Why You Didn’t Hear About Fauci Being Exposed as a Liar Yet

I mean, you probably figured it out just by reading the headline. Dr. Anthony Fauci was testy when asked about Wuhan funding from the National Institutes of Health. He couldn’t dissuade any scrutiny either, admitting that he couldn’t say for sure that the grant money was used for other things, like gain of function research.…