Former CIA Analyst: Yes, Former Obama Officials Were ‘Directly Involved’ In The Effort to Remove Flynn (And I’ll Say Their Names)

The fallout from the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is not over. We have Russia, leaks, and palace intrigue about former Obama administration officials laying the foundation to topple Flynn, who was knows for being staunchly opposed to the Iran nuclear deal. Guy wrote a post about the allegations. Flynn misled the vice…

ESPN Losing 10,000 Subscribers a Day Over Its Political Left Turn

Once an indispensable sports powerhouse, cable TV network ESPN has gone from must-see-TV for millions of sports fans to financial boondoggle for owner Disney with the network losing up to 10,000 subscribers a day, a report says. “A floundering ESPN, with rising costs and declining viewership, continued to sink Disney’s DIS, +0.24% financial results during…

White House National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn Has Resigned

White House National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn has resigned after controversy surrounding his communications with Russia. Here is the full text of Flynn’s resignation letter, bolding is mine: In the course of my duties as the incoming National Security Advisor, I held numerous phone calls with foreign counterparts, ministers, and ambassadors. These calls were…

Ninth Circuit Claims Unprecedented Power, Affirms Ban on Immigration

San Francisco’s federal appeals court asserted a novel theory on Thursday to claim jurisdiction over the legal challenge to Executive Order 13769, affirming the lower court’s order halting President Trump’s temporary travel-restriction policy. Federal appeals courts lack jurisdiction to review a district court’s temporary restraining order (TRO), which is a stop-gap measure that lasts for…


The Senate early Friday morning confirmed President Trump’s pick to head the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, placing him in position to lead the way in dismantling Obamacare. Price is a veteran House member and orthopedic surgeon who Republicans call a knowledgeable pick for the job. Democrats say he’s an ideologue whose policies…

Shut Down: Senate GOP Muzzles Elizabeth Warren After She Made Disparaging Remarks About Jeff Sessions

With the final confirmation vote of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) to become our next attorney general imminent, Sen. Elizabeth Warren took to the floor to deliver her remarks. It was another tirade of course. MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski, who says she’s a fan of her, says that the angry liberal act is getting tiresome.  “I’ve got…

People Are Mad That Lady Gaga Wasn’t Overly Political At The Super Bowl

Lady Gaga performed at the Super Bowl’s halftime show, and by all accounts, she absolutely slayed the performance. The 13-minute show had everything: a sparkly football, drones making an American flag, a keytar, acrobatics, and some incredible singing and dancing. What it did not have, however, was an overt political message. For most normal humans,…

Mexican Government Calls Out AP Over Fake News (Trump Never Threatened to Invade Mexico)

File this one under Fake News. The Associated Press’ report Wednesday stating that President Trump threatened to invade Mexico if the country doesn’t handle its “bad hombres down there” was so inaccurately reported that the Mexican government issued a statement calling out the news organization. First, relevant portions from the AP story: President Donald Trump threatened…

President Trump: I Made a Promise to The American People to Honor Scalia, Neil Gorsuch Fulfills That Promise

Speaking from the East Room of the White House Tuesday, President Donald Trump officially nominated U.S. Circuit Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill late-Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat on the Supreme Court. “When Justice [Antonin] Scalia passed away suddenly last February, I made a promise to the American people if I were elected President, I would find…

Trump takes aim at Sen. Schumer’s ‘tears’ in new defense of immigration restrictions

President Trump launched into a fiery Twitter defense of his controversial refugee and immigration restrictions Monday, blaming protesters and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer’s ‘tears’ for difficulties at U.S. airports, and urging his opponents to “study the world!” Trump signed an executive order Friday that imposed a 120-day suspension of the refugee program and a…

Florida Mayor Orders End to Sanctuary City Policy

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Giménez has instructed county jails to comply with all federal immigration detainer requests on Thursday, only one day after President Donald Trump issued an executive order to cut federal funding from sanctuary cities. In 2016, the county ignored approximately 100 detainer requests from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which would have cost…

BOOM: Trump Administration to Publish Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens in Sanctuary Cities

The Trump administration will publish a list of crimes committed by illegal aliens in sanctuary cities weekly, according to an executive order released Wednesday. “To better inform the public regarding the public safety threats associated with sanctuary jurisdictions, the Secretary shall utilize the Declined Detainer Outcome Report or its equivalent and, on a weekly basis,…

Trump to Sign Executive Order Ending Obama’s Unconstitutional Executive Amnesty

According to reports, President Trump will sign an executive order Friday ending “unconstitutional executive amnesty,” which translates to President Obama’s 2014 executive actions on illegal immigration. Former Townhall White House correspondent Conn Carroll covered the details of Obama’s moves at the time: What actions is Obama taking specifically? The key to Obama’s new immigration policy…