‘Dream Team’: Sean Spicer Explains Donald Trump’s ‘Most Talented Cabinet in Modern History,’ White House Transition

Incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer, in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, detailed how President-elect Donald J. Trump’s administration will be ready to go on day one thanks to a “dream team” cabinet and a largely unprecedented transition process that has flowed smoothly. The cabinet, Spicer argued, is not only filled with talented…

Texas congressman boosts Trump deportation plan

Doubling down on President-elect Donald Trump’s vow to deport “bad hombres,” a Texas congressman wants to punish countries that refuse to re-admit them. U.S. Rep. Brian Babin, R-Baytown, this month reintroduced legislation that would halt foreign aid and block visas for non-compliant nations. Babin filed the Criminal Alien Deportation Enforcement Act (H.R. 5224) last year. But…

New Clinton messages show passwords, schedules flowed freely

The election’s over – but Hillary Clinton’s emails are still coming to light. And they help illustrate why the FBI declared she was “extremely careless” with the information flowing across her secret server.  A new batch of messages released by the State Department on Tuesday shows the former secretary of state and her team routinely shared…

What’s inside? Obama gets report on Russia hacking, as Republicans spar on claims

President Obama has received a much-anticipated classified report on alleged Russian and other foreign meddling in American elections, heightening interest in what evidence the file contains as Republicans spar over the cyberattack claims – and wait for their chance to see the findings themselves. The Associated Press reported Thursday that Obama has received the report.…

Fox News Considering ‘Pro-Trump Conservative’ Woman to Fill Megyn Kelly’s Time-slot

Sources close to Kelly told me today that her departure is an indication of just how unhappy she had become at Fox in the wake of her high-profile feud with Donald Trump and revelations she had accused Ailes of sexual harassment. Her relationships with Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity in particular had completely broken down,…

Trump: I Was Right About Muslim Immigration

This week’s overseas terror attacks have further convinced President-elect Donald Trump that his immigration plans are now more necessary than ever. He told the press as much at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on Wednesday. “ You’ve known my plans all along and I’ve been proven to be right, 100-percent correct,” he told reporters at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.…

WATCH: NFL Legend Jim Brown’s Amazing Answer to CNN’s Racially-Charged Question About Trump

Leah wrote up Jim Brown’s rave review of his meeting with Donald Trump yesterday, in which he said he’d “fallen in love” with the president-elect over the course of their discussion about improving the lives of African-Americans. Brown’s gushing assessment of Trump got a fair amount of media play — and understandably so, given his…

Trump to nominate Carson as HUD secretary

President-elect Donald Trump announced Monday he has chosen former campaign 2016 rival Ben Carson to become secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Trump said in his statement that he was “thrilled to nominate Carson,” adding that he “has a brilliant mind and is passionate about strengthening communities and families within those communiuties.”…

KEEPING HIS WORD: Trump Reaches Deal With Carrier to Keep 1,000 Jobs in US

President-elect Donald Trump seems to already be making good on his campaign promise to work to keep manufacturing jobs in the United States. His incoming administration and United Technologies (UTX) reached an agreement that will keep roughly 1,000 jobs at Carrier Corporation in Indiana. Carrier, owned by UTX, had plans to move production from a…