President Trump: I Made a Promise to The American People to Honor Scalia, Neil Gorsuch Fulfills That Promise

Speaking from the East Room of the White House Tuesday, President Donald Trump officially nominated U.S. Circuit Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill late-Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat on the Supreme Court. “When Justice [Antonin] Scalia passed away suddenly last February, I made a promise to the American people if I were elected President, I would find…

Trump takes aim at Sen. Schumer’s ‘tears’ in new defense of immigration restrictions

President Trump launched into a fiery Twitter defense of his controversial refugee and immigration restrictions Monday, blaming protesters and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer’s ‘tears’ for difficulties at U.S. airports, and urging his opponents to “study the world!” Trump signed an executive order Friday that imposed a 120-day suspension of the refugee program and a…

Florida Mayor Orders End to Sanctuary City Policy

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Giménez has instructed county jails to comply with all federal immigration detainer requests on Thursday, only one day after President Donald Trump issued an executive order to cut federal funding from sanctuary cities. In 2016, the county ignored approximately 100 detainer requests from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which would have cost…

BOOM: Trump Administration to Publish Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens in Sanctuary Cities

The Trump administration will publish a list of crimes committed by illegal aliens in sanctuary cities weekly, according to an executive order released Wednesday. “To better inform the public regarding the public safety threats associated with sanctuary jurisdictions, the Secretary shall utilize the Declined Detainer Outcome Report or its equivalent and, on a weekly basis,…

Trump to Sign Executive Order Ending Obama’s Unconstitutional Executive Amnesty

According to reports, President Trump will sign an executive order Friday ending “unconstitutional executive amnesty,” which translates to President Obama’s 2014 executive actions on illegal immigration. Former Townhall White House correspondent Conn Carroll covered the details of Obama’s moves at the time: What actions is Obama taking specifically? The key to Obama’s new immigration policy…

Texas Gov. Abbott threatens to cut funding to county over sanctuary city policies

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott threatened to cut funding for one county after its sheriff announced the agency would be scaling back its cooperation with federal immigration. Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez announced last week she’s scaling back the amount of aid her department provides federal immigration agents in detaining suspects who might be in the…

Snowflake Alert: State Department Offered Employees Stress Management Classes After Trump Beat Clinton

Conservatives remember their 2012 loss vividly. The Right was confident that President Obama would be defeated. The Romney campaign didn’t even have a concessions speech written for the outcome that had President Obama winning re-election. It was deeply upsetting for a few hours, and then we had to get back to business. We didn’t set…

Pentagon recommended against Manning commutation

Outgoing Defense Secretary Ash Carter, as well as top U.S. Army leaders, recommended against President Obama commuting the bulk of Chelsea Manning’s 35-year prison sentence for leaking classified documents, a senior defense official told Fox News. The revelation comes as Obama has found himself on the defensive over the decision, with numerous security-minded lawmakers condemning…

WATCH: Ted Cruz BLASTS Democrats over blatant hypocrisy at Jeff Sessions confirmation hearing

This is excellent. Ted Cruz turned his ire toward the Democrats today, exposing the blatant hypocrisy in their questioning of Sessions as opposed to their silence during the rampant lawlessness of the Obama administration. Watch: Nobody does that better than Cruz and I love how he’s just not afraid to call them out on…

Wait–Obama Said We Haven’t Been Attacked By Foreign Terrorists In Eight Years?

President Obama mentioned in his farewell speech that no foreign terrorist organization has planned and executed an attack on the homeland. Because of the extraordinary courage of our men and women in uniform, and the intelligence officers, law enforcement, and diplomats who support them, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack…