Just Stand: While Nike Gives America The Finger, One Veteran-Run Company Is Producing Anti-Kaepernick Gear

Former National Football League player Colin Kaepernick is back in the spotlight. The ex-San Francisco 49ers QB is now the face of Nike’s ‘Just Do It’ campaign. It’s controversial. That was the intent, to give the middle finger to hard-working, American patriots. It was a shot across the bow of Trump’s America, rural America, conservatives, and those…

Anonymous Senior Trump Official: I’m Part Of The Resistance And I’m Working To Nuke His Agenda

UPDATE: President Trump calls anonymous op-ed “gutless.” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders has called for this official to resign (via Daily Caller): White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders called for the resignation of an anonymous official who wrote an op-ed in the New York Times disparaging President Donald Trump. Sanders continued “This is a…

“American Sniper” Wife Ends Silence, Goes Directly After Nike And Kaepernick

The wife of the legendary military sniper, Chris Kyle, reacted today to Nike’s poor decision to use second-rate social justice warrior former quarterback Colin Kaepernick as the face for their most iconic and widely used ad slogan, “Just Do It.” Taya Kyle absolutely destroyed Nike for their ridiculous PR move in a way that we’ve…

Kavanaugh hearing chaos coordinated by Schumer, top Dems

The chaotic start to Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing was coordinated from the top by Democratic senators who wanted to stall the Supreme Court nomination process amid complaints about access to documents. Kavanaugh returns before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday for the start of formal questioning. He has delivered only his opening statement so far,…

Trump Lambasts Jeff Sessions…Again.

President Trump stepped up his criticism of Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday, hammering him over criminal charges recently brought against two Republican congressmen, which may jeopardize the GOP’s chances of holding those seats in the midterm elections. “Two long running, Obama era, investigations of two very popular Republican Congressmen were brought to a well…

Chinese company reportedly hacked Clinton’s server, got copy of every email in real-time

Report all of Hillary’s emails were secretly routed to Chinese operatives prompts Trump to demand probe A Chinese state-owned company reportedly hacked then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email server in 2015, then inserted code that forwarded them a copy of virtually every email she sent or received after that — a revelation President Trump is demanding…

Tiger Woods’ ‘respect the office’ statement about Trump blasted by ESPN host Max Kellerman

ESPN’s Max Kellerman said Monday on “First Take” that Tiger Woods’ response to questions about President Trump made him “angry.” Woods was asked after the final round of The Northern Trust on Sunday about his relationship with Trump and he urged people to respect the office of the president. “He’s the president of the United States. You…

Check Your Sources: CNN’s Cohen-Russia-Trump Tower Meeting Story Just Blew Up In Their Faces

CNN is another favorite punching bag, besides Hillary Clinton. The network is explicitly anti-Trump, self-righteous, and absolutely insufferable. Granted, there are some good people there, but this is cumulative effect here; CNN does indeed suck. It’s a bit odd given that three-fourths of their audience probably only watch CNN because they’re at the airport. Heck,…

Tiger Woods says ‘you have to respect the office’ of president after questions about his relationship with Trump

Tiger Woods shot down questions on Sunday about his relationship with President Trump, urging people to respect the office of the president. “He’s the President of the United States. You have to respect the office. No matter who is in the office, you may like, dislike personality or the politics, but we all must respect…

Sorry, Democrats, You Found Fool’s Gold: After Cohen/Manafort News, Trump Approval Rating Is Stable…Like A Wall

It’s a good week for the Democrats. That’s what fellow Democrats, anti-Trump stooges, and members of the media think about this whirlwind week of news. Michael Cohen has a plea dealover alleged campaign finance violations, along with bank and tax fraud charges. Paul Manafort, Trump’s short-lived campaign chief, was found guilty on eight counts of bank and…

Beto O’Rourke says ‘nothing more American’ than NFL anthem protests

Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke has jumped into the NFL national-anthem fray by defending players taking a knee during the ceremony, saying he could think of “nothing more American.” In a response going viral on social media, the Democrat seeking to unseat Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas Republican, compared the NFL kneelers to civil-rights icons like Rosa Parks and the Freedom Riders…

Illegal immigrant arrested in murder of Mollie Tibbetts was local farmhand, say police

The man who was arrested in the murder of Mollie Tibbetts, the University of Iowa student who disappeared last month, worked less than three miles from where she was staying the night she vanished. Cristhian Rivera, 24, was employed by Yarrabee Farms for the past several years, according to a source with knowledge of the situation. The…

David Hogg Turns on Democratic Leadership: ‘Pelosi Is Old’ And Needs to ‘Move the F**k Off the Plate’

In a New York Magazine cover story, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor turned progressive activist David Hogg lashed out at Democratic leadership, accusing them of not getting “the f**k off the plate” and giving the next generation its turn. In the glowing profile, Hogg shares that he plans to run for office when he turns 25. He…

Ex-CIA Director Brennan’s anti-Trump comments did ‘damage’ to intel community, Mullen says

Former CIA Director John Brennan risked damaging the intelligence community with his anti-Trump comments, retired Adm. Michael Mullen, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told “Fox News Sunday.” Mullen’s comments came as several former intelligence officials appeared on Sunday talk shows, including Brennan — who floated the possibility of taking legal action against…

Hillary Clinton endorses girl who took a knee during Pledge of Allegiance

Inspired by banished NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, Baltimore middle schooler Mariana Taylor, 11, wanted to protest sexism and racism in America by taking a knee, an act that wasn’t well received by her teacher. In February, as Taylor began kneeling during the Pledge of Allegiance, the instructor reprimanded her in front of the class, saying…

Trump pulls security clearance of ex-CIA Director John Brennan

‘Mr. Brennan’s lying and recent conduct characterized by increasingly frenzied commentary is wholly inconsistent with access to the nation’s most closely held secrets.’ President Donald Trump on Wednesday revoked the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, who has become a harsh critic of the president, and appeared to be targeting others who have…

Outrage: Judge Releases Possible Islamic Terror Suspects In New Mexico Compound Case On Bond

Thirty-nine year old Siraj Wahhaj was arrested at a New Mexico compound, where 11 starving kids were found, including three women and another man living in what are described as deplorable conditions. The children were between the ages of 1-15 years old. The case is nuts. Katie added that Wahhaj kidnapped this three-year-old son from…

Blue Wave Watch: Generic Ballot Gap Shrinks Again, Democratic Registration Recedes in Key State

We’re roughly two-and-a-half months out from election day, and I’m frequently struck by the dissonance in the midterm tea leaves.  On one hand, Democrats continue to outperformtheir traditional metrics — often significantly — in off-year and special elections, likely pointing to a very blue November for Republicans.  Last week’s apparent, narrow victory for the GOP in Ohio fit…