Trump to nominate Carson as HUD secretary

President-elect Donald Trump announced Monday he has chosen former campaign 2016 rival Ben Carson to become secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Trump said in his statement that he was “thrilled to nominate Carson,” adding that he “has a brilliant mind and is passionate about strengthening communities and families within those communiuties.”…

KEEPING HIS WORD: Trump Reaches Deal With Carrier to Keep 1,000 Jobs in US

President-elect Donald Trump seems to already be making good on his campaign promise to work to keep manufacturing jobs in the United States. His incoming administration and United Technologies (UTX) reached an agreement that will keep roughly 1,000 jobs at Carrier Corporation in Indiana. Carrier, owned by UTX, had plans to move production from a…

‘The house is burning down’: Ryan, set to challenge Pelosi, fears for Democratic Party

The Ohio congressman running to unseat Nancy Pelosi as House minority leader said Monday that the Democratic Party is playing with fire. Rep. Tim Ryan said on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria” that President-elect Donald Trump’s victory – combined with the GOP protecting its majorities in the House and Senate – sent a clear…


Conway slams anti-Trump protests, says president-elect ‘already draining the swamp’ President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway pushed back Wednesday against reports that the transition of power had descended into chaos, claiming that the real estate mogul was honoring his campaign slogan and is “already draining the swamp.” “I would just tell these people [to]…

President-Elect Trump Says Immigration, Healthcare, Jobs First Priorities

The incoming Trump administration will focus on immigration, healthcare and jobs, President-Elect Donald Trump said after a Thursday meeting with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. “A lot of really great priorities. People will be very, very happy. Well, we have a lot. We’re looking very strongly at immigration. We’re going to look at the borders,…

Professional protesters’ riot over Trump’s election, attacking bystanders and vandalizing cars, property

Police in Portland, Ore. declared that a once peaceful protest was a riot after demonstrators were seen attacking drivers and committing acts of vandalism during their march against Donald Trump’s election Thursday night. Portland police said at least 29 people were arrested in the riot and that more information would be given on the charges…

Trump WINS Presidency, Defeats Clinton!

Donald Trump, defying the pundits and polls to the end, defeated Hillary Clinton in Tuesday’s presidential election and claimed an establishment-stunning victory that exposes the depth of voter dissatisfaction – and signals immense changes ahead for American policy at home and abroad. Seventeen months after the billionaire tycoon’s Trump Tower entrance into the race, the…

FBI Sources: Clinton Server Hacked By ‘At Least Five’ Foreign Intel Agencies, Two Major Federal Probes Ongoing

UPDATE – These extraordinary developmentsbroke last evening, as Americans were gearing up for a thrilling World Series finale. I’ll hand things over to Fox News anchor Bret Baier and let him deliver one bombshell after another over two clips, the first from Special Report, then an On the Record follow-up — during which the prospect of future indictments is…

Emails show Clinton campaign coordinated with State Dept. official before email revelation

Newly released emails appear to show a State Department official coordinating with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign before her use of a private email to conduct government business was revealed. Emails from campaign chairman John Podesta show that the state official provided Clinton aides with the agency’s official response to a New York Times reporter in…