NYT Forced to Issue Hilarious Correction on Totally Botched Tax Reform Stat

As regular readers already know — and as millions of Americans have been discovering — the Left lied to the country about the impact of the GOP’s tax reform bill, which every Democrat in Congress voted against.  Support for the law has soared by 26 net percentage points since its December nadir, according to New York Times polling, as stubborn realities eclipse…

Trump DOJ sues California over ‘interference’ with immigration enforcement

The Trump Justice Department filed a lawsuit Tuesday night against California, saying three recently-passed state laws were deliberately interfering with federal immigration policies. It marked the latest legal and political confrontation with the nation’s most populous state, which the federal government says has repeatedly stood in the way of its plans to step up enforcement…

Trump: Tariffs Will ‘Come Off’ If a ‘Fair’ NAFTA Agreement Signed

President Trump said Monday that his recently-announced tariffs on steel and aluminum imports will “come off” if a “new” and “fair” NAFTA agreement is signed. “We have large trade deficits with Mexico and Canada. NAFTA, which is under renegotiation right now, has been a bad deal for U.S.A. Massive relocation of companies & jobs. Tariffs…

Abbott Has a Dire Warning About Democratic Turnout in 2018 Primaries

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott warned supporters in a fundraising email Monday about Democrats’ turnout for the March primary, which he says should “shock every conservative to their core.” So far, more Democrats have voted early than Republicans, Dallas News reports. Through Sunday in the 15 Texas counties with the most registered voters, 135,070 people had…

Busted: Incompetent, Preening Broward County Sheriff Gets Caught in a Lie

As the hours and days pass, it’s becoming increasingly apparent how terribly law enforcement — and especially the Broward County Sheriff’s office — bungled its collective handling of the Parkland massacre, from ignoring multiple red flags leading up to the horrific incident to deadly inaction during the shooting itself.  We can now add ‘lying after…

Acting ICE Director Schools California Dems on Immigration Laws

Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Officer Thomas Homan pushed back at Democratic lawmakers in California who questioned his agency’s increased enforcement activity in their state, reminding them that he is merely enforcing the laws theyenacted. Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris wrote last month demanding to be “briefed on the troubling reports that ICE is targeting…

Trump calls for arming teachers, raising gun purchase age to stop ‘savage sicko’ shooters

President Trump on Thursday defended his call to arm some teachers as a way to stop a “savage sicko” from causing mass casualties, while also calling for gun control measures — including raising the age for purchasing firearms to 21.  In a flurry of tweets, the president hit back at media coverage of his comments…

CNN Faces Growing Criticism Over Use of ‘Traumatized’ Children to Push Anti-Gun Agenda

The far-left cable channel CNN is facing a growing storm of criticism over its frequent use of minor children (14 to 17) to further its anti-gun agenda. Already a number of the children, those who witnessed last week’s shooting massacre at a high school in Parkland, Florida, have made countless appearances on the anti-Trump cable…

Pelosi Comes Under Fire From These Democrats Over ‘Crumbs’ Remark

Some Democrats are beginning to realize attacking the GOP tax law is not a winning strategy heading into the 2018 midterm elections. The law is helping the vast majority of American taxpayers and U.S. businesses and is becoming increasingly popular in polling. Thus, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi repeatedly dismissing the bonuses many companies are giving…

BUSTED: Almost Three-Fourths Of All Illegals ICE Arrested In 2017 Had Criminal Records

Last Friday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement did something they should be doing 24/7: enforce federal immigration laws. Last Friday, they did a massive raid in Los Angeles, where they nabbed over 200 illegal aliens, most with criminal convictions. Over 100 businesses also have to prove that they aren’t hiring illegal aliens (via Washington Times): Federal deportation…

AG Paxton Dispatches Letters to Three School Districts to Halt Unlawful Electioneering

Attorney General Ken Paxton today dispatched cease and desist letters to Brazosport, Holliday and Lewisville Independent School Districts regarding violations of the Texas Education Code for unlawful electioneering. These school districts used taxpayer resources to distribute messages to their staff and the public advocating for or against certain political candidates and measures. “My office fully…

Shock claim about FBI’s Michael Flynn interview raises questions

Then-FBI Director James Comey reportedly told lawmakers last March that agents did not think former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn lied to them — raising more questions about a key moment in the agency’s Russia probe. The Washington Examiner’s Byron York reports that Comey briefed lawmakers amid allegations Flynn had lied to Vice…

Trump budget aims to jump-start construction, cut red tape

President Trump is calling to pump $1.5 trillion into fixing America’s infrastructure while streamlining the often-cumbersome permitting process, as part of a $4 trillion-plus budget plan unveiled Monday.  “World-class infrastructure is possible for the American people,” Trump said in his budget message to Congress. In the runup to the release, the president also tweeted: “This…

In Olympics, let’s focus on the winner of the race — not the race of the winner

Unless it’s changed overnight, the motto of the Olympics, since 1894, has been “Faster, Higher, Stronger.” It appears the U.S. Olympic Committee would like to change that to “Darker, Gayer, Different.” If your goal is to win medals, that won’t work. A USOC official was quoted this week expressing pride (what else?) about taking the most diverse U.S. squad…

Conservatives Line Up Against McConnell-Schumer Spending Deal

Sens. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) may be patting themselves on the back for brokering a compromise on the budget Wednesday, but conservative groups are not impressed with its contents. The deal would add $500 billion in federal spending – for both defense and non-defense spending. Conservatives lawmakers and organizations are decrying the…