Illegal border crossings down BY 67% through March!!

In testimony today before Congress, it was revealed that illegal border crossings are down by TWO THIRDS through March, an incredible accomplishment. From the Washington Times: Illegal immigration across the U.S.-Mexico border has continued to fall under President Trump, dropping 67 percent through the end of March, the former border commissioner told Congress on Tuesday.…

Former Obama NSA Susan Rice Reportedly Directed Dubious ‘Unmasking’ of Trump Allies

Yes, that would be the same Susan Rice who made herself famous for delivering outright lies on national television about the Benghazi terrorist attack, the nature of which the Obama administration was eager to deliberately distort for political reasons in the thick of a campaign. It would also be the same Susan Rice described by Newsweek…

Obama official should be subpoenaed after ‘leaking’ admission

President Trump’s former deputy campaign manager said Thursday that an ex-Obama administration official who admitted former colleagues tried to gather intelligence on Trump team ties to Russia should be subpoenaed by Congress “immediately.” “That is just a devastating admission right there,” said David Bossie, a Fox News contributor who was a top official with Trump’s…

Devin Nunes presser where he says Trump SHOULD be concerned

Following his announcement on Wednesday that intelligence officials engaged in surveillance of the Trump transition team, based on the House Intelligence Committee’s findings, Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) noted that he’d be personally briefing President Trump on the matter in the coming hours. Former chief counsel for the committee, Jeremy Bash, finds that horrifying. He argued on MSNBC…


House Republicans’ ObamaCare replacement plan was in peril early Thursday after lengthy leadership and committee meetings failed to produce an agreement that would shore up support among conservative members. “We have not cut the deal yet,” said House Rules Committee Chairman Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas. The committee spent 13 hours in session Wednesday without setting…

Gorsuch appears to survive barrage from Democrats, readies for third day of confirmation hearings

Senate Democrats on Tuesday pressed Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch on his opinion on past court rulings that could help identify his ideological approach to the bench, but he appeared to have emerged from the hours of testimony relatively unscathed. Gorsuch appeared intent on following the Hippocratic Oath: First do no harm. He avoided any…

Immigration Judges Dispatched to 12 U.S. Cities to Speed Deportations

A phalanx of immigration judges will be temporarily re-assigned to 12 U.S. cities to help speed deportations of illegal aliens, the U.S. Department of Justice confirmed on Friday. The full plan of the reassignments is still in the works, and the DOJ is looking for volunteers among immigration judges before going forward, according to Reuters. Cities…

Democrats Threaten To Block Funding For Border Wall

Senate Democrats are apparently pushing ahead with their proposal to cripple President Donald Trump’s presidency by blocking his campaign promise to build a secure border wall between the United States and Mexico’s drug runners, criminals and illegal immigrants. The threat, leaked in early March, was made clear in a letter from Democratic leaders in the Senate, who…

Illegal Border Crossings Down 40 Percent in Trump’s First Month

President Trump’s tough stance on illegal immigration seems to be paying off already. In his first month in office, the number of people who illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border decreased by 40 percent, DHS Secretary John Kelly said Wednesday. U.S. Customs and Border Patrol reported that the number of illegal border crossings dropped from 31,578…

Almost 7,000 IRS Documents Relating To Targeting Scandal Found. Bad News: No Clue When They’ll Be Public

In 2013, the IRS was involved in a scandal regarding its Exempt Organizations Unit and conservative nonprofits. Tea Party and other right-leaning groups claimed that they were targeted for audits, or their applications for tax-exempt status were subjected to extraordinary scrutiny, which then-EOU director Lois Lerner later issued an apology. In doing so, the IRS admitted that they targeted…

Conservatives push back on ObamaCare repeal bill, vow to introduce their own

Congressional conservatives vowed Tuesday to introduce their own legislation to repeal and replace ObamaCare, escalating their fight against GOP leaders’ long-awaited health care overhaul bill just hours after it was released.  During a lengthy press conference outside the Capitol, lawmakers from the right flank of the Republican Party railed against the new legislation, which key…

White House Demands Congressional Investigation Into Obama’s Abuse of Power

President Donald Trump is calling for an immediate investigation into Barack Obama’s handling of intelligence gathering tactics leading up to the 2016 election. Press Secretary Sean Spicer wrote on Twitter Sunday morning that until Congress completes an oversight investigation, the White House will not comment any further on the matter. “Reports concerning potentially politically motivated investigations…

Trump, in speech to Congress, calls to ‘restart the engine’ of US economy

President Trump declared Tuesday that a “new chapter of American greatness is now beginning” as he made economic revival the centerpiece of his first address to Congress – issuing a clarion call to “restart the engine of the American economy” through tax cuts, better trade deals, immigration enforcement and a $1 trillion infrastructure program. He…