Comey: Nobody, Including The President, Asked Me to Stop The FBI’s Russia Investigation

Speaking in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee Thursday morning, former FBI Director James Comey said under questioning that nobody, including President Donald Trump, asked him to drop the Bureau’s investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election. “Director Comey, did the president at any time ask you to stop the FBI Investigation into…

Texas Leads 16-State Coalition in Support of Travel Ban

Leading a 16-state coalition, the Texas attorney general filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday supporting President Donald Trump’s temporary travel stay. Attorneys general from 14 other states and the governor of Mississippi joined to urge the nation’s highest court to reinstate the executive order. State officials urge that President Trump was…

Paris Agreement on climate change: US withdraws as Trump calls it ‘unfair’

After days of drama and suspense, President Trump announced Thursday that his administration will exit the Paris climate agreement. “So we’re getting out,” Trump said. “The Paris accord is very unfair at the highest level to the United States.” Trump’s decision fulfills a campaign promise and satisfies strong Republican opposition to the global climate deal…

Former Clinton Campaign Manager: I’m Tired of Hearing Who And What Hillary Blames For 2016 Loss

In case you missed it yesterday, former Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was back in front of the microphone blaming everyone but herself for losing to Republican Donald Trump in November. But it seems her own party has had enough of the excuses. As Cortney reported earlier, former DNC Director of Data Science Andrew Therriault…

Texas House Doesn’t Appoint Conferees on Property Tax Bill, Killing Property Tax Relief

Austin – The Texas House of Representatives today failed to appoint conference conferees for Senate Bill 669 by Senator Jane Nelson (R-Flower Mound), which effectively killed property tax relief for the 85th Regular Session. SB 669 in conference could have included property tax relief as set out by Senate Bill 2 by Senator Paul Bettencourt…

Texas State Rep. Claims Death Threats, Assault from Fellow House Members

Texas State Representative Matt Rinaldi (R-Irving) claimed to have been threatened by a fellow lawmaker and assaulted by another during a Memorial Day closing session. Others claim it was Rinaldi that made death threats against Democrat legislators. The incident occurred following protests in the House Gallery and a reported comment from Rinaldi that he called…

Texas Legislature: Democrats And Republicans Almost Come To Blows When One Called ICE On Protesters

On May 8, Texas Republican Gov. signed legislation that permits police officers to ask about immigration status during stop and punishes law enforcement officials who fail to cooperate with federal immigration agents. The Left is obviously opposed to this legislation. And yes, it’s drawn protesters out of the woodwork. On the last day of the…

President Trump Defends American Taxpayers To NATO Leaders

Speaking in Brussels Thursday morning against the backdrop of the newly unveiled Article 5 and Berlin Wall Memorials, President Donald Trump strongly urged NATO leaders to significantly increase defense spending, saying it is unfair for members states to rely on American taxpayers to fulfill European obligations. Further, he called on members to provide a new…

President Trump Slams Leaks On Manchester Suicide Bombing Investigation, Calls For DOJ To Prosecute

President Trump, who is in Brussels today for meetings with NATO, has released a statement slamming leaks from U.S. intelligence agencies surrounding the suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.  “The alleged leaks coming out of government agencies are deeply troubling. These leaks have been going on for a long time and my…

DOJ Budget Ramps Up Funding for Eminent Domain ‘Land Acquisition’ in Potential Effort to Clear Way for Border Wall

Tuesday’s Department of Justice budget proposal asks Congress for $1.8 million to “meet litigation, acquisition, and appraisal demands during the construction along the border between Mexico and the United States.” The money will be used to devote 20 new staff members, including 12 attorneys, to the Environmental and Natural Resources Division’s Land Acquisition Section (LAS).…

Manchester terror attack: Trump calls attackers ‘evil losers in life’; offers sympathy for victims

President Trump on Tuesday—standing beside Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Bethlehem—lashed out at the suicide bomber behind a deadly attack in Manchester hours earlier. Trump spoke Tuesday, after a suicide bomber killed 22 and injured 59 at a concert by pop singer Ariana Grande. The president offered his condolences to the victims and declared those who…

Donald Trump’s Ambitious First Foreign Trip Features Three of World’s Biggest Religions

President Donald Trump leaves for his first foreign trip of his presidency Friday, highlighting three of the world’s biggest religions with visits to Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the Vatican City. “I’ll meet scores of leader, and honor the holiest sites of these three great religions,” Trump said during a speech on Wednesday, previewing his trip…

Trump’s agenda at risk after series of controversies

Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said Tuesday that despite all the controversies surrounding Donald Trump’s presidency, the House still has to “pass meaningful legislation and get it to the president’s desk.” Chaffetz, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman, told NBC News that the government is “always full of crisis.” Trump set forth an ambitious…

Gowdy Suggests There Were More Entanglements Between DOJ and Clintons Than People Realize

Rep. Trey Gowdy suggested Tuesday that there were more entanglements between the Clintons and the Department of Justice than the average person realizes. “I think history will be much kinder to Jim Comey in that July press conference than the Democrats were,” Gowdy told Fox News host Martha MacCallum.  “I think he had access to information that, because…

White House denies report Trump revealed classified info about ISIS to Russians

White House officials Monday denounced a Washington Post report that President Trump revealed classified information about ISIS to Russia’s foreign minister and Moscow’s ambassador to the United States during a White House meeting last week.  In a brief statement in front of the White House, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster described the Post’s story as…